Two friends talk about the most hilarious things they¡¯ve experienced.
Alice: The funniest thing I¡¯ve ever seen happened at the park last summer. A squirrel stole a bag of chips from someone¡¯s picnic and climbed up a tree with it! The bag was too big for the squirrel, so it kept tipping over and dropping the bag. When the squirrel finally opened the bag, chips started falling from the tree like rain!
John: For me, it was during our school¡¯s talent show. My friend was juggling three oranges, but he accidentally dropped one. Instead of stopping, he turned it into a goofy dance and pretended it was part of his performance. By the end, the audience was clapping and laughing because it was so unexpected and funny!
Sean Jung R&D Division Director kids/1737615528/1613368273
1. What did the squirrel steal from the picnic?
2. What happened when the squirrel opened the bag of chips?
3. How did John¡¯s friend make his juggling mistake funny?
1. What is the funniest thing you have ever seen?
2. Have you ever made a mistake but turned it into something funny? What happened?
3. Do you like watching funny videos or shows? What makes you laugh the most?