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Should Internet Comments Be Regulated?
Should Internet Comments Be Regulated?0Introduction>>

Naver and Kakao, the two major online platforms in Korea, have reorganized their comment services. They announced a new policy that aims to regulate malicious comments, but it sparked controversy over online comment regulation. So, is comment regulation a good idea? Let¡¯s find out.

Should Internet Comments Be Regulated?5Constructive Debater 1 Henry

Appropriate regulation is necessary, considering that malicious comments are prevalent online. While freedom of expression is indeed a fundamental human right, it should not be without limitations. Anonymity on the Internet makes it easy for anyone to spread hatred, defame, or insult others, causing significant psychological harm. Allowing such behavior to go unchecked can even result in misinformation and further societal turmoil. Content moderation can improve online culture by restricting comments that contain hate speech, defamation, profanity, and other inappropriate content.

Should Internet Comments Be Regulated?10Constructive Debater 2 Ashley

Regulating comments on sites restricts our freedom of expression. As a platform for public discussion, we must consider the necessity of maintaining this freedom. People can freely share their perspectives on issues and global events without fear on the Internet. This process is vital for societal progress and is a critical aspect of democracy. Restricting comments may make people less comfortable in sharing their opinions. In terms of malicious comments, I believe that implementing a nationwide education program on appropriate online activity is what we need. It seems excessive to restrict comments in a space where diverse opinions collide.

Should Internet Comments Be Regulated?15Rebuttal Debater 1 Henry

In the digital age, protecting personal information has never been more crucial. In a world where anyone can look up information about complete strangers, it is not an exaggeration to say that we need a system to moderate comments. A regulation system can automatically block comments that disclose sensitive personal information such as real names, addresses, and phone numbers. By blocking comments that intentionally or unintentionally leak information, it is possible to reduce Internet users¡¯ exposure to dangers. Furthermore, this measure can lower the likelihood of being exploited online, thus contributing to a safer and more secure society.

Should Internet Comments Be Regulated?20Rebuttal Debater 2 Ashley

These kinds of regulatory systems can be susceptible to misuse. Authoritarian governments can use them to suppress specific political, social, or religious opinions online, infringing on democratic principles. Oppressors may abuse comment moderation to evade criticism about themselves or incite the public, distorting reality and causing significant confusion. Moreover, when monitoring algorithms operate inadequately, legitimate opinions and content may be subjected to censorship. All human-made systems are flawed, and it is necessary to be cautious about how these weaknesses may impact society in the long run.

Should Internet Comments Be Regulated?25Judge¡¯s Comments

The subject of online comment regulation has long sparked debate. What do you think about this issue? Research on your own, and let me know what you think!

Amelia Moon
Staff Reporter
1. What is the main policy change announced by Naver and Kakao regarding comment services?
2. According to Henry, what are the reasons to support comment regulation?
3. What does Ashley believe is the importance of freedom of expression in online discussions?
1. What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing comment regulation on online platforms?
2. Can education alone effectively address the issue of malicious comments, or is additional regulation necessary?
3. What role should individuals play in promoting a healthier and more respectful online commenting culture?
4. What examples exist of successful comment regulation policies or initiatives in other countries, and what lessons can be learned from them?
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